Romania si Bulgaria scapa la mustata de sanctiunile UE. Si-au adus aminte cei de la Bruxelles ca ne-au bagat in UE mai mult cu forta si artificial, total constienti ca in niciun caz nu se vor intampla minuni in sase luni.
Potrivit Financial Times, care citeaza surse oficiale din interior de la Bruxelles, celor doua tari li se spune sa grabeasca reformele, dar aplicarea de sanctiuni concrete ramane ca varianta de rezerva, daca nu-si fac treaba. Sanctiunile ar presupune in primul rand nerecunoasterea sentintelor judecatoresti din cele doua tari, insa asta ar afecta cu siguranta investitorii din cele doua tari si nu numai. Pe scurt, prezentarea in engleza:
"Bulgaria and Romania are expected to escape European Union sanctions this month in spite of their failure to crack down on corruption and organised crime since joining the club in January, the Financial Times reported, citing insiders. Although no final decisions have been taken, several well-placed Brussels officials told the FT that Bulgaria and Romania will be told to speed up reforms but sanctions will be kept in reserve.The two countries joined the Union on January 1 under unprecedented scrutiny. Bulgaria was set six "benchmarks" for reform, including the fight against corruption and organised crime, while Romania faced four, mainly relating to corruption.But lawyers in Brussels have concluded that sanctions - namely non-recognition of court rulings in either country - could hit innocent parties living or doing business there. Withholding of EU funds to protect against the risk of fraud is deemed legally difficult".
13 June 2007
Romania si Bulgaria scapa la mustata de sanciunile UE
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Wednesday, June 13, 2007
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